• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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Design Name:
Netlist Directory:
Configuration File:
Spawning... "C:\Cadence\SPB_15.5\tools\capture\pstswp.exe" -pst -d "F:\zsgwork\design-pcb\arm7ax88796b\arm7ax88796b.dsn" -n "F:\zsgwork\design-pcb\arm7ax88796b\allegro" -c "C:\Cadence\SPB_15.5\tools\capture\allegro.cfg" -v 3 -j "PCB Footprint"
#1 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance S1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (0.90, 2.80).
#2 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D3: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.30, 9.50).
#3 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance C2: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (6.40, 1.40).
#4 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance C12: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (5.30, 9.60).
#5 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance R25: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (0.70, 9.90).
#6 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance J9: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (10.60, 12.40).
#7 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance R14: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.30, 4.80).
#8 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance U3: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (9.50, 2.00).
#9 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance R15: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.90, 4.80).
#10 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D4:
SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.30, 9.90).
#11 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance R1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (5.90, 1.10).
#12 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance U4: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (12.10, 2.00).
#13 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance C4: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (10.60, 3.10).
#14 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance U5: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (12.20, 5.50).
#15 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance R16: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (2.50, 4.80).
#16 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance R2: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.40, 1.20).
#17 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance TP1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (5.20, 10.20).
#18 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D5: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.80, 10.70).
#19 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance R27: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.20, 10.70).
#20 Error   [ALG0012] Proper
ty "PCB Footprint" missing from instance C5: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (13.30, 3.40).
#21 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance R17: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (3.10, 4.80).
#22 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance U6: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (3.30, 9.60).
#23 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance R3: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (3.00, 1.20).
#24 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance C37: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.50, 14.10).
#25 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance P1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (16.70, 6.30).
#26 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance C6: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (3.80, 4.00).
#27 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance R4: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (4.20, 1.30).
#28 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance R18: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (0.70, 8.70).
#29 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance C38: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1
(3.00, 14.10).
#30 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance R5: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (0.90, 2.00).
#31 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance R19: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (13.60, 6.90).
#32 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance C7: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (13.70, 5.70).
#33 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance C39: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (4.30, 14.10).
#34 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance C28: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.50, 13.00).
#35 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance R6: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (4.20, 2.00).
#36 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance C8: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (11.20, 5.90).
#37 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance C29: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (3.40, 13.00).
#38 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance C19: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.50, 11.70).
#39 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footpr
int" missing from instance R7: SCHEMAT
IC1, PAGE1 (8.20, 3.90).
#40 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance C9: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (11.60, 5.90).
#41 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance R8: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (10.20, 4.30).
#42 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance R9: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (10.20, 4.40).
#43 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance J1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (17.30, 1.50).
#44 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance J2: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (2.80, 2.40).
#45 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance Y1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (5.94, 0.80).
#46 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance J3: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (17.30, 3.60).
#47 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance SW1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (9.30, 4.30).
#48 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance R20: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (11.50, 8.20).
#49 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB
Footprint" missing from instance SW2: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (0.50, 5.20).
#50 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance Y2: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (13.14, 8.80).
#51 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance C40: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (6.80, 14.10).
#52 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance J4: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (4.40, 3.80).
#53 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance R10: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.30, 4.10).
#54 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance J5: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (16.70, 5.20).
#55 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance C41: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (8.10, 14.10).
#56 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance C30: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (4.70, 13.00).
#57 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance R21: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (13.60, 7.10).
#58 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance J6: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (10
.90, 8.50).
#59 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance C20: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (3.00, 11.70).
#60 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance R11: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.90, 4.10).
#61 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance R22: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (0.70, 9.10).
#62 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance J7: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (9.60, 9.40).
#63 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.30, 8.70).
#64 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance C10: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (13.50, 6.30).
#65 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance R23: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (11.60, 8.70).
#66 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance R12: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (2.50, 4.10).
#67 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance R13: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (3.10, 4.10).
#68 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint"
missing from instance U2: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (5.60, 1.90).
#69 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance R24: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (0.70, 9.50).
#70 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance C1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (5.50, 1.40).
#71 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance J8: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (0.50, 11.40).
#72 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D2: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.30, 9.10).
#73 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance C11: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (11.60, 6.50).
#74 Error   [ALG0012] Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance U10: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (12.30, 13.00).
#75 Error   [ALG0050] Duplicate Pin Name "GND" found on Package AX88796B-1 , U8 Pin Number 26: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (7.90, 9.80). Please renumber one of these.
#76 Error   [ALG0050] Duplicate Pin Name "VCCK" found on Package AX88796B-1 , U8 Pin Number 24: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (7.90, 9.80). Please renumber one of these.
#77 E
rror   [ALG0050] Duplicate Pin Name "G
ND" found on Package AX88796B-1 , U8 Pin Number 18: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (7.90, 9.80). Please renumber one of these.
#78 Error   [ALG0050] Duplicate Pin Name "VCC18A" found on Package AX88796B-1 , U8 Pin Number 5: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (7.90, 9.80). Please renumber one of these.
#79 Error   [ALG0050] Duplicate Pin Name "GND18A" found on Package AX88796B-1 , U8 Pin Number 8: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (7.90, 9.80). Please renumber one of these.
#80 Error   [ALG0050] Duplicate Pin Name "VCC3IO" found on Package AX88796B-1 , U8 Pin Number 44: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (7.90, 9.80). Please renumber one of these.
#81 Error   [ALG0050] Duplicate Pin Name "VCCK" found on Package AX88796B-1 , U8 Pin Number 43: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (7.90, 9.80). Please renumber one of these.
#82 Error   [ALG0050] Duplicate Pin Name "NC" found on Package 93C46 , U10 Pin Number 7: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (12.30, 13.00). Please renumber one of these.
#83 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package SW PUSHBUTTON , S1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (0.90, 2.80)
. All pins should be numbered.
#84 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package SW PUSHBUTTON , S1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (0.90, 2.80). All pins should be numbered.
#85 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "ANODE" of Package LED , D3: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.30, 9.50). All pins should be numbered.
#86 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "CATHODE" of Package LED , D3: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.30, 9.50). All pins should be numbered.
#87 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAP , C2: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (6.40, 1.40). All pins should be numbered.
#88 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAP , C2: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (6.40, 1.40). All pins should be numbered.
#89 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAP , C12: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (5.30, 9.60). All pins should be numbered.
#90 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAP , C12: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (5.30, 9.60). All pins should be numbered.
#91 Error  
[ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package R , R25: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (0.70, 9.90). All pins should be numbered.
#92 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package R , R25: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (0.70, 9.90). All pins should be numbered.
#93 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package R , R36: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (12.00, 14.10). All pins should be numbered.
#94 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package R , R36: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (12.00, 14.10). All pins should be numbered.
#95 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAP , C34: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (3.80, 13.10). All pins should be numbered.
#96 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAP , C34: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (3.80, 13.10). All pins should be numbered.
#97 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "ANODE" of Package LED , D4: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.30, 9.90). All pins should be numbered.
#98 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "CATHODE" of Packa
ge LED , D4: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.30, 9.90). All pins should be numbered.
#99 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package R , R26: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (13.10, 9.10). All pins should be numbered.
#100 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package R , R26: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (13.10, 9.10). All pins should be numbered.
#101 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAPACITOR POL , C3: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.40, 2.00). All pins should be numbered.
#102 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAPACITOR POL , C3: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.40, 2.00). All pins should be numbered.
#103 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package R , R37: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (12.00, 14.30). All pins should be numbered.
#104 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package R , R37: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (12.00, 14.30). All pins should be numbered.
#105 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAP , C24: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (13.4
0, 13.20). All pins should b
e numbered.
#106 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAP , C24: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (13.40, 13.20). All pins should be numbered.
#107 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package R , R1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (5.90, 1.10). All pins should be numbered.
#108 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package R , R1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (5.90, 1.10). All pins should be numbered.
#109 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAP , C4: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (10.60, 3.10). All pins should be numbered.
#110 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAP , C4: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (10.60, 3.10). All pins should be numbered.
#111 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAP , C14: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (12.70, 9.40). All pins should be numbered.
#112 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAP , C14: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (12.70, 9.40). All pins should be numbered.
#113 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missin
g from Pin "TP" of Package TP , TP1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (5.20, 10.20). All pins should be numbered.
#114 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "ANODE" of Package LED , D5: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.80, 10.70). All pins should be numbered.
#115 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "CATHODE" of Package LED , D5: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.80, 10.70). All pins should be numbered.
#116 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package R , R38: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (12.00, 14.50). All pins should be numbered.
#117 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package R , R38: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (12.00, 14.50). All pins should be numbered.
#118 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package R , R27: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.20, 10.70). All pins should be numbered.
#119 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package R , R27: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.20, 10.70). All pins should be numbered.
#120 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAP , C5: SCHEMA
TIC1, PAGE1 (13.30, 3.40). All pins should be numbered.
#121 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAP , C5: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (13.30, 3.40). All pins should be numbered.
#122 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAP , C15: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (13.60, 9.40). All pins should be numbered.
#123 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAP , C15: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (13.60, 9.40). All pins should be numbered.
#124 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAPACITOR POL , C37: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.50, 14.10). All pins should be numbered.
#125 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAPACITOR POL , C37: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.50, 14.10). All pins should be numbered.
#126 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "ANODE" of Package LED , D6: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (10.60, 14.10). All pins should be numbered.
#127 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "CATHODE" of Package LED , D6: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (10.
60, 14.10). All pins should be numbered.
#128 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAP , C6: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (3.80, 4.00). All pins should be numbered.
#129 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAP , C6: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (3.80, 4.00). All pins should be numbered.
#130 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package R , R18: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (0.70, 8.70). All pins should be numbered.
#131 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package R , R18: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (0.70, 8.70). All pins should be numbered.
#132 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAP , C49: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (7.20, 14.20). All pins should be numbered.
#133 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAP , C49: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (7.20, 14.20). All pins should be numbered.
#134 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAPACITOR POL , C38: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (3.00, 14.10). All pins should be numbered.
35 Error   [ALG0031] Pin numbe
r missing from Pin "2" of Package CAPACITOR POL , C38: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (3.00, 14.10). All pins should be numbered.
#136 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "ANODE" of Package LED , D7: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (10.60, 14.30). All pins should be numbered.
#137 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "CATHODE" of Package LED , D7: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (10.60, 14.30). All pins should be numbered.
#138 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package R , R19: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (13.60, 6.90). All pins should be numbered.
#139 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package R , R19: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (13.60, 6.90). All pins should be numbered.
#140 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAP , C7: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (13.70, 5.70). All pins should be numbered.
#141 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAP , C7: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (13.70, 5.70). All pins should be numbered.
#142 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Pack
age CAPACITOR POL , C39: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (4.30, 14.10). All pins should be numbered.
#143 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAPACITOR POL , C39: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (4.30, 14.10). All pins should be numbered.
#144 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "ANODE" of Package LED , D8: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (10.60, 14.50). All pins should be numbered.
#145 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "CATHODE" of Package LED , D8: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (10.60, 14.50). All pins should be numbered.
#146 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAPACITOR POL , C28: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.50, 13.00). All pins should be numbered.
#147 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAPACITOR POL , C28: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.50, 13.00). All pins should be numbered.
#148 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAPACITOR POL , C17: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (2.40, 11.60). All pins should be numbered.
#149 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from
Pin "2" of Package CAPACITOR POL , C17: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (2.40, 11.60). All pins should be numbered.
#150 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAP , C8: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (11.20, 5.90). All pins should be numbered.
#151 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAP , C8: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (11.20, 5.90). All pins should be numbered.
#152 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAPACITOR POL , C29: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (3.40, 13.00). All pins should be numbered.
#153 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAPACITOR POL , C29: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (3.40, 13.00). All pins should be numbered.
#154 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAPACITOR POL , C18: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (4.60, 11.60). All pins should be numbered.
#155 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAPACITOR POL , C18: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (4.60, 11.60). All pins should be numbered.
#156 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing
from Pin "1" of Package CAP , C19: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.50, 11.70). All pins should be numbered.
#157 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAP , C19: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.50, 11.70). All pins should be numbered.
#158 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package INDUCTOR , L1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (14.20, 5.20). All pins should be numbered.
#159 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package INDUCTOR , L1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (14.20, 5.20). All pins should be numbered.
#160 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAP , C9: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (11.60, 5.90). All pins should be numbered.
#161 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAP , C9: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (11.60, 5.90). All pins should be numbered.
#162 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package INDUCTOR , L2: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.90, 11.40). All pins should be numbered.
#163 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package INDUCTOR ,
, 11.40). All pins should be numbered.
#164 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package R , R8: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (10.20, 4.30). All pins should be numbered.
#165 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package R , R8: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (10.20, 4.30). All pins should be numbered.
#166 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package INDUCTOR , L3: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.00, 12.80). All pins should be numbered.
#167 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package INDUCTOR , L3: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.00, 12.80). All pins should be numbered.
#168 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package R , R9: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (10.20, 4.40). All pins should be numbered.
#169 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package R , R9: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (10.20, 4.40). All pins should be numbered.
#170 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package INDUCTOR , L4: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (4.20, 12.80). All pins should be numbered.
Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package INDUCTOR , L4: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (4.20, 12.80). All pins should be numbered.
#172 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CRYSTAL , Y1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (5.94, 0.80). All pins should be numbered.
#173 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CRYSTAL , Y1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (5.94, 0.80). All pins should be numbered.
#174 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package INDUCTOR , L5: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.00, 13.90). All pins should be numbered.
#175 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package INDUCTOR , L5: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.00, 13.90). All pins should be numbered.
#176 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CRYSTAL , Y2: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (13.14, 8.80). All pins should be numbered.
#177 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CRYSTAL , Y2: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (13.14, 8.80). All pins should be numbered.
#178 Error   [ALG0031] Pin
number missing from Pin "1" of Package INDUCTOR , L6: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (3.80, 13.90). All pins should be numbered.
#179 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package INDUCTOR , L6: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (3.80, 13.90). All pins should be numbered.
#180 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAPACITOR POL , C40: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (6.80, 14.10). All pins should be numbered.
#181 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAPACITOR POL , C40: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (6.80, 14.10). All pins should be numbered.
#182 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAPACITOR POL , C41: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (8.10, 14.10). All pins should be numbered.
#183 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAPACITOR POL , C41: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (8.10, 14.10). All pins should be numbered.
#184 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package INDUCTOR , L7: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (7.60, 13.90). All pins should be numbered.
#185 Error   [ALG0
031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package INDUCTOR , L7: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (7.60, 13.90). All pins should be numbered.
#186 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAPACITOR POL , C30: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (4.70, 13.00). All pins should be numbered.
#187 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAPACITOR POL , C30: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (4.70, 13.00). All pins should be numbered.
#188 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package R , R21: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (13.60, 7.10). All pins should be numbered.
#189 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package R , R21: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (13.60, 7.10). All pins should be numbered.
#190 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAP , C20: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (3.00, 11.70). All pins should be numbered.
#191 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAP , C20: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (3.00, 11.70). All pins should be numbered.
#192 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing
from Pin "1" of Package CAP ,
C42: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (0.60, 14.20). All pins should be numbered.
#193 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAP , C42: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (0.60, 14.20). All pins should be numbered.
#194 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package R , R33: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (11.10, 13.00). All pins should be numbered.
#195 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package R , R33: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (11.10, 13.00). All pins should be numbered.
#196 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAP , C31: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (0.60, 13.10). All pins should be numbered.
#197 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAP , C31: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (0.60, 13.10). All pins should be numbered.
#198 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package R , R22: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (0.70, 9.10). All pins should be numbered.
#199 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package R , R22: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (0.70, 9.10). All pins shou
ld be numbered.
#200 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "ANODE" of Package LED , D1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.30, 8.70). All pins should be numbered.
#201 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "CATHODE" of Package LED , D1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.30, 8.70). All pins should be numbered.
#202 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAP , C10: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (13.50, 6.30). All pins should be numbered.
#203 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAP , C10: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (13.50, 6.30). All pins should be numbered.
#204 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAP , C21: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (5.10, 11.70). All pins should be numbered.
#205 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAP , C21: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (5.10, 11.70). All pins should be numbered.
#206 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package R , R34: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (11.10, 13.10). All pins should be numbered.
#207 Error   [ALG0031]
Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package R , R34: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (11.10, 13.10). All pins should be numbered.
#208 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package R , R24: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (0.70, 9.50). All pins should be numbered.
#209 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package R , R24: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (0.70, 9.50). All pins should be numbered.
#210 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAP , C1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (5.50, 1.40). All pins should be numbered.
#211 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAP , C1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (5.50, 1.40). All pins should be numbered.
#212 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "ANODE" of Package LED , D2: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.30, 9.10). All pins should be numbered.
#213 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "CATHODE" of Package LED , D2: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.30, 9.10). All pins should be numbered.
#214 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAP ,
C11: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (11.60, 6.50). All pins should be numbered.
#215 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAP , C11: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (11.60, 6.50). All pins should be numbered.
#216 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "1" of Package CAP , C44: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (3.40, 14.20). All pins should be numbered.
#217 Error   [ALG0031] Pin number missing from Pin "2" of Package CAP , C44: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (3.40, 14.20). All pins should be numbered.
#218 Aborting Netlisting... Please correct the above errors and retry.
Exiting... "C:\Cadence\SPB_15.5\tools\capture\pstswp.exe" -pst -d "F:\zsgwork\design-pcb\arm7ax88796b\arm7ax88796b.dsn" -n "F:\zsgwork\design-pcb\arm7ax88796b\allegro" -c "C:\Cadence\SPB_15.5\tools\capture\allegro.cfg" -v 3 -j "PCB Footprint"
*** Done ***

无封装(PCB Footprint missing)解决办法:填写封装
引脚重名(Duplicate Pin Name )解决办法:重命名引脚名
找不到引脚编号(Pin number missing )解决办法:看封装是否用错,如果是自作元件是否有画错




Cadence Allegro 培训套装,视频教学,直观易学

上一篇:Orcad16.3 生成网表是出错
下一篇:orcad 如何输出pdf?

