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请问OrCAD 10.3有什么新功能吗?

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请问OrCAD 10.3有什么新功能吗?

What’s New in OrCAD Capture 10.3 . . .
New Features and Enhancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Split Symbol Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Signal Property Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Page Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Replace Cache with Preserve Reference Designator
Selection Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Support for Latest Xilinx and Altera File Format . . . . .
List of Important PCRs Fixed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What’s New in OrCAD Capture CIS 10.3

New Features and EnhancementsOrCAD Capture CIS 10.3 brings you the following new features and enhancements: Support for Version 10.0 of Crystal Reports

Support for Version 10.0 of Crystal ReportsNow, Capture CIS provides the redistributable runtime of Crystal Reports 10.0 for Bill ofMaterials.

List of Important PCRs FixedSome of the important PCRs addressed in OrCAD 10.3 are listed below:

PCR No Description723129 The ICA field is not visible in the CIS Configuration Wizard.When you run the CIS wizard to include ICA properties for searching oradding components from Activeparts, the ICA properties may not appear inthe ICA field.721568 The Block column appears blank in Crystal Report.720380 Library gets locked while placing database parts in a design.717856 Capture CIS crashes in Windows XP (SP1) while browsing the Part Manager.716519 Capture consumes significant memory when a hierarchical design with theImplementation path as a Design file is opened.715324 CIS BOM is not including custom properties in reports.683949 The 'Please don't Show This Dialog Again' option is not working in the UNDO/REDO removal confirmation dialog box. This dialog box appears whileupdating All Part status in CIS Part Manager.664993 A flat design changes to the Occurrence mode when you run the Update Allcommand from the Part Manager.653599 The Part Preview window displays vertical pins on the corner of the PartBoundary box as horizontal pins.604269 The Link Database Part command from the Part Manager does not retainhidden columns.You can reorder or hide columns in CIS Explorer window. If you run the PlaceDatabase Part command or the Link Database Part command from aschematic page, the hidden columns are not shown and the new columnorder is maintained. If you run the Link Database Part command from the PartManager, CIS Explorers displays all columns.571456 The the Link Database Part command does not work for different schematicsymbols.


谢谢!学了不少。请教:不论Orcad10.0还是Orcad10.3 它们例子中的FPGA都运行不了。而Orcad9.1是可以的。如何解决。

Cadence Allegro 培训套装,视频教学,直观易学


