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orcad library builder 16.62 问题

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最近安装的 Library builder 16.62 一开始是可以正常生成PCB封装的 但是用着用着就生成的封装没有管脚了 ,在pad design界面就卡住不动了,重启软件也没有用,有大神知道怎么解决的没有 ?谢谢 ,allegro 软件版本是16.68 系统win10 X64

Starting new design...
Script version: 16.5
W- (SPMHUT-48): Scaled value has been rounded off.
E- Window is disabled, command may not be allowed: fillin yes
W- (SPMHUT-48): Scaled value has been rounded off.
E- (SPMHAP-3): Problem loading 'b87_30.pad'.
E- (SPMHA1-161): Cannot open the design database file ... run standalone dbdoctor on the file.
E- (SPMHAP-2): No padstack specified.
E- (SPMHAP-3): Problem loading 'b87_30.pad'.
E- (SPMHA1-161): Cannot open the design database file ... run standalone dbdoctor on the file.
E- (SPMHAP-2): No padstack specified.
E- (SPMHAP-3): Problem loading 'b87_30.pad'.
E- (SPMHA1-161): Cannot open the design database file ... run standalone dbdoctor on the file.
E- (SPMHAP-2): No padstack specified.
E- (SPMHAP-3): Problem loading 'b87_30.pad'.
E- (SPMHA1-161): Cannot open the design database file ... run standalone dbdoctor on the file.
E- (SPMHAP-2): No padstack specified.
E- (SPMHAP-3): Problem loading 'b87_30.pad'.
E- (SPMHA1-161): Cannot open the design database file ... run standalone dbdoctor on the file.
E- (SPMHAP-2): No padstack specified.
E- (SPMHAP-3): Problem loading 'b87_30.pad'.
E- (SPMHA1-161): Cannot open the design database file ... run standalone dbdoctor on the file.
E- (SPMHAP-2): No padstack specified.
E- Form field label not found
E- Command not found: ema_fix_text
Command >

run standalone dbdoctor on the file.做了没?


run standalone dbdoctor on the file. 这项在什么上面操作?

开始->所有程序->cadence->product utilities->PCB editor utilities-> DB Doctor

allegro 库相关路径设置问题,你可以设置任何一个其它的路径,但是。默认的指定当前目录路径的不要删除。你生成的库就有焊盘。不行你找我

谢谢 我去试下




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下一篇:allegro 16.6 pcb文件打不开,出现program has encountered a problem and must exi...

