- 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
WARNING: Could not place: U7 / CPU_1_PQFP100_CPU / PQFP100; outside of drawing extents
WARNING: Could not place: U8 / 27C256/LCC_PLCC32_27C256/LCC / PLCC32; outside of drawing extents
WARNING: Could not place: U11 / 27C256/LCC_PLCC32_27C256/LCC / PLCC32; outside of drawing extents
WARNING: Could not fit symbol: U20 / HM514256/ZIP_ZIP20_HM514256/ZIP / ZIP20
WARNING: Could not fit symbol: U19 / HM514256/ZIP_ZIP20_HM514256/ZIP / ZIP20
WARNING: Could not place: U24 / HM514256/ZIP_ZIP20_HM514256/ZIP / ZIP20; outside of drawing extents
WARNING: Could not place: U23 / HM514256/ZIP_ZIP20_HM514256/ZIP / ZIP20; outside of drawing extents
WARNING: Could not place: U16 / 74F32/SO_SOIC14_74F32/SO / SOIC14; outside of drawing extents
ERROR: Could not find symbol: C26 / CAP_SMD300_22 / SMD300
WARNING: Could not place: Y1 / CRYSTAL_CRYS14_40MHZ / CRYS14; outside of drawing extents
Placed 0 of 10 applicable (10 total) symbol
2 possibilities:
1. The drawing extents of those sybmols are too large: Reduce their drawing extents.
2. The pcb board drawing extents are not large enough for those footprint sybmols: Increase the pcb's drawing extents.
I guess #2 is your problem.
I am not 高手
hello,HsuMeiFan2005,can you tell me how to Increase the pcb's drawing extents step by step?thank you !
从菜单:Setup->Drawing Size->DRAWING EXTENTS.......
WARNING: Could not fit symbol: U7 / CPU_1_PQFP100_386 / PQFP100
WARNING: Could not fit symbol: U8 / 27C256/LCC_PLCC32_27C256/LCC / PLCC32
WARNING: Could not fit symbol: U11 / 27C256/LCC_PLCC32_27C256/LCC / PLCC32
WARNING: Could not fit symbol: U19 / HM514256/ZIP_ZIP20_HM514256/ZIP / ZIP20
WARNING: Could not fit symbol: U20 / HM514256/ZIP_ZIP20_HM514256/ZIP / ZIP20
WARNING: Could not fit symbol: U24 / HM514256/ZIP_ZIP20_HM514256/ZIP / ZIP20
WARNING: Could not fit symbol: U23 / HM514256/ZIP_ZIP20_HM514256/ZIP / ZIP20
WARNING: Could not fit symbol: Y1 / CRYSTAL_CRYS14_40MHZ / CRYS14
Placed 0 of 8 applicable (8 total) symbols.
我的板子设的DRAWING EXTENT为leftx:-5000 lower:y:-5000
weighth:15000 heigth:15000
而U7的SYMBOL设的DRAWING EXTENT为leftx:-1000 lower:y:-1000
weighth:1800 heigth:2000
1.The drawing extents of those sybmols are too large: Reduce their drawing extents.
2. The pcb board drawing extents are not large enough for those footprint sybmols: Increase the pcb's drawing extents
Mr. bsqar,
It seems to me that you have got some improvement.
I am not sure your new WARNINGs. I guess it may be due to the fact that those old symbols have already been loaded into your Allegro board database. Try to refresh those sybmols by place->update symbols.... It may fix your problems by loading the your revised symbols.
Wish this may help you. If not, it also gives you some ideas of this tool.
I am sorry that I have to use English. If 我输入中文, 我 can only use "Cut and Paste". That means 我 have to search
those 中文 characters and write 我的 message.
I agree with you that if possible, we should use Chinese. As most of this pcbbbs users are Chinese.
Again, sorry for that.
Mr. RaichardLC,
Thanks for your understanding. 我机器没有安装了中文输入法. Search, Cut and then Paste 输入中文是很痛苦的。
Mr HsuMeiFan2005 ,i just try on my computer,but the problem still exists.NO matter what using english or chinese ,thank you for your help.wish for your advice!
Try to isolate your problem by manually load only one of your symbol into a brand new board. Place->Manual..
If it still does not work. You may post that sybmol to us. We can check it for you.
我用place->manual试了,还是不行,不过在 console win 中的提示为
Pin numbers do not match. Check device file.
C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\My Pictures\a.bmp
C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\My Pictures\b.bmp该图片的console win中提示为 grids are drawn 40,40 apart for enhanced viewability 是这的原因吗?谢谢
1.我不能看见你附上的图片 .
2.不很清楚告诉你"手工安置" 是我错误. 放那sybmol 没有netlist/device 文件
place-> manually..., 然后在"placelist" 上通过"package sybmols" 选择放那sybmol。
如果你能地方放那sybmol, 那表明sybmol是好. 问题在其他 .
3.在我看来你有很多问题 . 我认为你已经通过修理一些问题,已有一些改进然后对另一个问题发展。
好工作 .你是一个快的学习者。
我也是一个快的学习者。 看见我的中文输入而不是英语。(实在的告诉你。我是使用一件翻译工具.)
C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\My Pictures\a2.bmp
C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\My Pictures\a3.bmp
C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\My Pictures\a2.bmp
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