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allegro15.2中的复制电气元件等是怎么设的,根据指导上说的是复制好后就是LOGIC>ASSIGN REFDES,接着就出不来了,点那个都没用,求解

如果你要的器件已经在板上了,当然不能LOGIC>ASSIGN REFDES了。


图不会贴啊,下面是是COPY上面的部分.书上是这么说的,我试不出来啊.Copying Elements in a DesignYou can duplicate one or more elements in a design as: Individual elements Step and repeat patterns on an X,Y (rectangular) grid Radial (polar) patterns around a user-defined pointUse the Options tab to control the copy method as Rectangular (step and repeat patterns)or Polar as described next.When you choose Edit – Copy (copy command), you can choose one or more elements,including package/part symbols and their connecting etch/conductor and vias, and placecopies of the elements, as a group, anywhere in a drawing. Reference designators of copiedpackages are changed to generic reference designators (U*, R*, C*, and so on) so they donot conflict with any existing reference designators in the drawing. Choose Logic – AssignRefDes (assign refdes command) to assign reference designators to the copiedcomponents.You create arrays of packages and connecting etch/conductor lines by picking a “cell” ofpackages and connecting etch/conductor lines, and then copying the cell. It is particularlyuseful that copy automatically connects connecting etch/conductor lines with the pins theyoverlay during the copying. This means that all power, ground, bus, address, and data linesautomatically connect to the pins of copied components.

In the following illustration, the copy appears at the location picked. Note that the referencedesignators have been changed to dummies. Each refdes has its leading characters, but hashad its number changed to *.





Cadence Allegro 培训套装,视频教学,直观易学

下一篇:maual void的问题

