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CST2013: Yield Analysis - Define S-Parameter Bound

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Post Processing: Signal Post Processing Yield Analysis Performance Specifications Add new bound... S-Parameter

In this dialog box you may define for one S-parameter bound which part of the S-parameter data is evaluated while the yield analysis is running. In addition, you may define how the data will be evaluated.

Type frame

You may select the kind of data being evaluated by the yield analysis.

Mag. (linear): Selects the S-parameter magnitude data in linear representation.

Phase: Selects the S-parameter phase.

Output frame

Select the output port and mode of the S-parameter out of the respective drop list.

Input frame

Select the stimulation port and mode of the S-parameter out of the respective drop list.

Conditions frame

Operator: You may select an operator from this drop-down list. The operator effects the way the data is being evaluated during the yield analysis. Currently, two different operators are available for the S-parameter bound

<: The scattering parameters are checked if the upper bound is fulfilled in the given frequency range. If the upper bound is violated the design is not valid.

>: The scattering parameters are checked if the lower bound is fulfilled in the given frequency range. If the lower bound is violated the design is not valid.

Bound: Enter the bound value for the operators here.

Frequency range frame

FMin: Define the lower frequency where the bound starts.

FMax: Define the upper frequency where the bound ends.


Stores the current settings and returns to the Performance Specifications property page. The newly defined bound is added to the list of defined bounds in the Performance Specification property page.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.


上一篇:CST2013: Multilayer Solver Settings
下一篇:CST2013: Smith Chart and Polar Plot Properties

