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Const. fit tan delta:  This specification is based on a pole-zero dispersion model, defined again by the input of an electric tangent delta value given at the defined frequency and by the model order.
The first order corresponds to a Debye dispersion whereas higher order models are specifically developed to fit a broadband constant imaginary part of the permittivity. They are particularly suitable for low losses (low tangent delta value) materials. As mentioned above, at this frequency point the real part of the permittivity equals the epsilon input on the Material Parameter - General page.
If the User order checkbox is activated the model order will be selected according to the user choice. If the checkbox is deactivated the model order will be automatically determined by the fitting algorithm, selecting the best choice between optimal approximation and smallest possible number of poles.
Please note that a perfectly constant tangent delta does not exist in reality; however, the broadband behavior of this formulation represents an almost constant tangent delta curve



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