• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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如何在CST MWS里导入双指数激励源,指点

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小编你所说的双指数是不是Double exponential?
如果是,CST MWS里已经有了。 CST MWS帮助文件《Excitation Functions》。
至于导入,请善用软件的帮助文件,CST MWS帮助文件《Excitation Signal》:
Alternatively, it is also possible to import an ASCII file containing signal data points.
Note: A user defined excitation function must first be edited inside the integrated VBA-editor. The related VBA-macro is created and opened by the editor via the Edit... button. After finishing the editing process, please make sure that the VBA-macro is saved to file.
To import a table with signal data points, use the Browse... button and select a text file with a two-column signal description, where the first column represents the time values in seconds. Please note that you have to activate the Import signal type to enable this functionality.
Imported and user defined signals are always interpreted in the unit seconds.


上一篇:CST MWS仿真频率设置怎么样设置比较合理呢?
下一篇:请教在CST MWS中如何得到距天线一定距离处的场强?

