• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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Epoxy material for MWS ?

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Can anyone supply me the properties of any epoxy (used in PCB boards) material for MWS? thank you very much

You should look for material properties in the specs of your PCB supplier. (permittivity, permeability, conductivity, dispersion, substrate loss ...)

Hi Irfan and All

I may sound stupid but what is MWS......Microwave Studio?


There are so many types of epoxy. You can ask the manufacturer. But usually only data for low frequency is given. If you are interested in high frequency, you make test structure to characterize it (e.g. CPW).

Diel Const of FR4 can vary from 4.3-4.8 from batch to batch. And is temperature sensitive as well. Loss Tangent can vary between 0.018-0.030, depending on number of layers, board thickness, etc.

Using FR4 as substrate for microwave circuits, requires tolerance analyses of the FR4 parameters in a microwave design program, to predict spread in performance of the finished design.

thank you very much. this data has been very usefull :)


上一篇:How to access the gain phase in HFSS or MWS ?
下一篇:CST MWS模型就是一个长方体参数基本上是默认的端口就一个求帮助

