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"memory exception" error in MWS5

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I am trying to simulate a very simple open boundary problem in MWS5. At the stage of "calculating maximal timestep" MWS gives a memory exception error and the solver aborts. Does anyone know why such a problem may happen? any help is very much appreciated.

Could it be WINDOWS related .. I always blame it on WINDOWS it makes me FEEL BETTER !
Seroiusly could it be problem with the mecmory allocation
I would sugest .. clean your memory modules contacts ..or swap them out

and try again .,hardware memory exception errors are vey commun .And the first thing to investigate .after that you can start looking at the software side !

But ..also BLAME it on WINDOWS.. you will seeit it make you feel BETTER!




上一篇:CST MWS关于金属在高频下损耗问题
下一篇:is anyone else getting this error in MWS 5.0?

