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How To import cst file in HFSS?

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I have designed a cpw fed UWB antenna in CST, now I want to import that in HFSS?
will both give same results ?

Use Export Tool of CST to export the file as SAT file
Then use HFSS>Modeler>Import command to import it

I have imported (.sat) a file from CST MWS to HFSS .After Simulation I got a result which is different from CST ,Solution type I have used is driven modal.
Please help me.

Hmm it is always recommended to draw the model in the intended software you want to use to avoid confusions and complications. Since I do not know your model at all so I can suggest you few general checks to make
1. check for the boundary conditions and make sure that you have same boundary conditions in HFSS as in CST as HFSS and CST do not follow same names for boundaries.
2. In the same way check for the ports and make sure to have same type of ports as in CST
3. I think now your structure will be no longer editable as I am sure if model is imported from HFSS to CST but do not know other way round so be sure to define proper mesh
4. If there is some monitor defined then check its definitions as well
These are the few possible ways that can help
Best of luck


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下一篇:[CST] Ambiguity with Floquet modes simulation?

