• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
首页 > CST > CST使用问答 > How to exactly simulate an AMC surface using CST?

How to exactly simulate an AMC surface using CST?

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Hello there,
I have a problem in simulating the AMC surfaces exactly using CST. After modeling the intended surface, from a paper, in Periodic Structures, I choose Unit Cell B.C. in periodic directions and open(add space) B.C. in normal ones, and choose 2 Floquet modes, but the result don't match with those in that paper. Would you mind somebody help me?


上一篇:modeling of a 3d function in CST
下一篇:TARC for MIMO antenna in cst mws URGENT PLEASE HELp deadline of project is near

