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[CST-EMS] Coil design using copper wires

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Dear All,
I need to simulate a transformer using CST EMS to eddy-current and thermal loss estimation, quite similar to the following application:

I designed the transformer coil with copper wire and set simulation to run (I didn't use the coil definition from CST). To feed directly the coil, i have tried using coil segment, current and voltage paths, but it has not working... the electric current do not circulates around all wire turns as expected. There is current only around the source, no flowing along copper wire. I am using LF FD and full wave solver.
Someone has faced this problem? could share some successful simulation example?

Thanks in advance.

Hi, I'm dealing with a problem similar to yours.
It's not so clear to me if coils, coil segments, voltage/current paths are considered as field sources or if they could be employed as current probes (for instance using V_path=0) and voltage probes (using I_path=0). In other terms, how can I read current and voltage induced in a conductor loop?
Can you provide me with some examples or tutorials ?
I will be grateful if you can help me

The coils, coil segments, voltage/current paths are field sources, it forces current or voltage through the circuit you designed. After simulation you will have the results in form of field or current density, but I don't know how to integrate it to get total current or voltage in a given conductor loop...if you discover, please let me know.
Regarding my simulation, the problem was the boundaries and the background settings, because I was using an Electric boundary (Et=0) with no space to the coil, which means a short circuit. So, if you face that problem, you can add some surrounding space in all direction within Background Properties (check the Material type too) or you can change the boundaries within Boundaries Conditions window.
Best regards.


上一篇:CST Optimiser and scan angle question
下一篇:Creating a infinite ground plane in cst

