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CST simulate the S-parameters of coax ferrite material

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Hi! I referenced this video to create a coax air transmission line 2-port measurement.


I designed a Ferrite ring, its outer radius is 7mm, inner radius is 3.04mm and length is 20mm,
the hollow part of ring and surface are set to PEC. The ferrite with relative permittivity 5 and
relative permeability is 20, both loss tangent are set to 0.
Then simulating S-parameters data with frequency range from 0 to 18 GHz,
Frequency Domain Solver is chosen, mesh type is Tetrahedral.

However simulation didn't go well, my computer crashed many times. The calculation procedure was too large.
Though I have tried to read documentation and change mesh type or reduce sampling points,
things don't go well. In fact, I am still not familiar with CST. I have no idea how to do.

So could someone teach me how to set up CST environment or opoion that I can reference?
my CPU is Intel i5 and memory is 12GB.

Thanks for your help!

Your system is good as 12GB RAM is sufficient.
As you are saying that you have tried to change the mesh so just try relax the mesh.
Second comment would be as you have very broad frequency range upto 18GHz. Just try to simulate the problem in smaller chunks that is divide your frequency range. Like try to simulate from 0 to say 6GHz and so on.
Mesh definition is frequency dependent and mesh is defined with reference to highest frequency in problem in your case it is 18GHz which is not needed at lower frequencies like 1GHz
If not compulsory you can use hexahedral mesh. First try to relax your conditions with the goal that simulation works and then you can improve your accuracy.

Thank you! nomigoraya!
Simulating between 0~ 3 GHz. CST can give me a result, but I have tried to simulate at 0~5GHz even 17~18 GHz , the mesh is still very big( hundreads of thousands )and simulation procedure works slowly, it looks like that even 17~18 GHz is still hard to simulate. I'm not sure if I should continue to avoid my computer crash.


上一篇:Where to find dbm value in CST?
下一篇:CST cannot export S-parameters data

