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首页 > CST > CST使用问答 > Simulation of a RFID tag antenna with CSt MWS

Simulation of a RFID tag antenna with CSt MWS

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I have a problem in the simulation of a RFID tag antenna with CSt MWS, when I use a discrete port with an impedance of 50 ohms, I have Z11, but when I change the impedance of the discrete port, the Z11 change a little , however Z11 must not depends on the impedance of the discrete port because it represents the input impedance of the antenna, someone can tell me how to fix it ?

How much Z11 changes? Z11 is calculated from S-paramters, so they should also change. Do you use adaptive meshing?

One should not change Z11, your problem in matching chip impedance to the input impedance of the Tag antenna.


上一篇:CST STUDIO: Farfield plot's center is not where the port is?
下一篇:PCB and schematic simulation for CE with CST

