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CST MWS: (Characteristics Impedance)

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I have designed a Microstrip with a Waveguide port in CST MWS and I could view the input Impedance of it.

But the thing is how I can view the Characteristic Impedance of it and compare the simulated result of Characteristic Impedance with my hand calculation.

what characteristic impedance you want to measure? your antenna or just microstip line?

Hi, for just Microstrip line.

if microstip line, you will have two ports (port 1 and 2). i never really done two port CST simulation for quite a while.

Hello Mr. Pragash,

I have defined just a single port s11 inoder to view the reflection of it. I have read that the Characteristics Impedance should match with the input impedance value. But here in CST MWS my simulated values and hand calculation is differing. The two values are not the same.

Apart from that I even design the Coaxial cable and here also the simulated results and hand calculations are not the same.

Due you any idea regarding this issue in CST Studio. Lastly, thanks for our immediate response.

its looks impossible to simulate characteristic (Zo) with one port. please look at equation for Zo as below. its involve S12/S21. so you need to two ports
to simulate Zo.




上一篇:How to combine metamaterial design and patch antenna in CST?

