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Making a coil in CST EM studio

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I am pretty new to CST so i am sorry if this is really basic.

I am trying to make a coil (solenoid) in CST EM studio but i could not find the right object/technique (is it something to do with loft or extrude?) to use to make it.

Any help will be appreciated!

have you tried ..

Macros - Construct - Coils ?
a couple of macros that might do the trick there!

i was looking for the same thing a while back.. if you happen to find out the other method with the boolean operations and all, please let me know .


if you do the following things you will be able to do it
home>macros>construct>coil>3 D linear helical spiral
then parameters box will pop up
you can enter the what ever values you want
after clicking ok, a solenoid will be generated but it is not completed yet,
then you have to sweep the coil by the followings
pick a point on the solenoid align local coordinate system, make a circular coil which can be obtained from curves , and go to curves tool to choose sweep curve
then come to double click on the circuler coil and finally click on anywhere on the solenoid there will box pop up that finished for now


上一篇:How to insert external current in CST?
下一篇:How to combine metamaterial design and patch antenna in CST?

