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CST Time Domain Solver - Adaptive port meshing failed

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Dear all,
I try to simulate a Coplanar Waveguide.
Normaly I had no problems with this but after changing from CST 2015 to CST 2017 I got the message
"Adaptive port meshing failed" befor the calculation starts and without any other information.
I've tried to change Background, Boundaries, Mesh settings but nothing helped me.
Do you have any ideas?
I've attached a picture of the CAD model to this post.
many thanks in advance.

Your waveguide are not good...!

But whats the Problem?
Is it a problem of the Ports or the Waveguide itself?
And what changed from 2015 to 2017? because exactly this CAD Model worked before.
Please give me some hints.

(sorry if this is a double-post)
But whats the problem?
is it the waveguide itself or the ports? exactly this CAD-Model worked in the 2015 Version.

k comes automatically after selecting surfaces and this....

Thank you in advance, but it's still not working.
I've tried it with two other models with the Port Macro (see attachment) but it is still not calculating :(
any other ideas?
Can you maybe send me a working file, so that i can try on my own?
Thanks again and greetings,


上一篇:CST Cable Studio Problem
下一篇:Time domain simulation in CST MWS

