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how to simulate antenna gain in CST

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How to simulate antenna gain using CST. I want to measure the gain of monopole antenna from 3~12 GHz


Hi snkhan,

This is exactly what CST does best (in my opinion of course), which is wideband antenna simulations.
The basic steps you need to take are:
1. Build the antenna & excitation port model
2. Set the desirable units, background & frequency range.
3. Set Open (add space) Boundary conditions.
4. Appropriate meshing.
5. Set all the far-field monitors you need in the 3-12 GHz band.
6. Run the calaculation.

Once the calculation is finished you'll find what you need in the 3D results folder.

Good luck,

hi pushhead,
i wonder if the calculated gain value appears in the "farfields" folder, instead of "3D results".
It seems there would be information in "2D/3D results" folder, except "port modes", if no extra monitors are used.
Thank you!

Yes, it is under the "Farfields" folder. "2D/3D results" folder will contain all the other monitors such as: E & H Fields, Surface currents etc.

Hi, i know that there is a more simple way to set Farfield Monitor.
After building structure and set frequency of simulation, you can use "Macros" menu to set all farfield monitor. From "Macros", click on "Farfield", then "Broadband Farfield Monitor", and from the window you can set all farfield monitor.

Bye and good luck!

do you know how i can plot h plane and e plane pattern of antenna in cst?


上一篇:CST MWS Plot of the Propagation constant (beta) against Frequency
下一篇:Design Helical Antenna Using CST

