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CST Error "Some higher propagating mode..."

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During the transient solver

The error show this "Some higher propagating modes at port 1 are not considered time domain calculation. This possibly leads to an inaccurate energy balance. Consider to increase the mode or decrease upper frequency limit."

i used waveguide port for microstrip fed antenna

Any guide to solve this problem?

Some options: First, increase the number of modes for the Waveguide and look at which frequency this mode is propagating. Maybe you can reduce your frequency span. Second, change the dimension of the waveguide!


Hi dear

but I do not know : how I can increase the number of modes for the waveguide port in CST ?
When I run the project in transient solver ,I choose all modes for solving !


When you define your waveguide, you can choose how many modes are considered for simulation in the dialog.
I think it is on the bottom right side.

I find it
thank you very much



上一篇:Problem - How do I place an antenna (components+port) near a voxel-Data-head? CST MW
下一篇:regarding background material of voxel in CST

