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CST MWS simulation of simple dielectric in order to get beta

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Hi all,

I was trying to verify that my simulation environment is correct by reproducing the plot shown in the link below:


The beta values that I get from CST MWS do not result in a graph like the one in the link above.
My dielectric has a cylinrical core of refractive index=3.5 and the cladding is air. Since this is very simple I figured I might be doing something wrong when defining the two waveguide ports or the boundary conditions.

I have a cylindrical waveguide port on each of the ends of the core and have set all the boubdary conditions to 'open(add space)'. If there is anyone whose can tell me what to double check in my simulation that would be helpful. This is a very simple task but I don't know where I am going wrong.

Thank you


上一篇:[CST] Gain value is more then Directivity..WHy is that?
下一篇:hi steps for radiation patterns in cst mws

