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connection between CST and MATLAB

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Hello to all
this matlab code was written to plot spiral antenna . and after import to cst
can anyone help what to do this
clear all 
N = 10; % number of full turns;
step = pi/12; % discretization step (orig pi/6) 
b = 0.3; % separation between turns in mm 
a = b*step*4/(1-cos(step*4)); % offset from center in mm %orig
a = b*step/(1-cos(step)); 
n = 1; % power 
theta = [0:step:2*pi*N]; 
r = a + b*theta.^(1/n); 
x = r.*cos(theta);
y = r.*sin(theta); 
theta = theta + pi;
r1 = a + b*theta.^(1/n);
x1 = r.*cos(theta);
y1 = r.*sin(theta); 
plot(x, y, 'b', 'LineWidth', 2); 
grid on;
hold on; 
plot(x1, y1, 'r', 'LineWidth', 2); 
grid on; hold on; 
title('Units - meters') 
z = [x' y']; 
z = [x1' y1'];

You can use the macro in CST MWS to plot spiral coils. It's very efficient.

thanks for reply
I founded it. If someone needed i can tell how do this!

hello dear friend
I design a reflector antenna in matlab and want to import that to cst?
can you help me?!

Hello nf707,
I would be thankful if you tell me how to make a multilayer spiral coil with a macro in CST Studio .
Thank you.

Hi nf707,

Could you explain how you import the code to CST MWS? Any help appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


上一篇:cst deembed s parameter
下一篇:how can i shift an object in cst ?

