• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
首页 > CST > CST使用问答 > electromagnetic-circuit co-simulation in cst

electromagnetic-circuit co-simulation in cst

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any body know how to define a block with pi phase shift?

or how i can simulate this structure(attached) with cst?fig 1 in paper "Field Displacement in a Traveling-wave Ring Resonator Meta-structure"\Toshiro Kodera1, Dimitrios Sounas2, Hoang Van Nguyen2, Hadi Razavipour 2, and Christophe Caloz 2,2011


上一篇:How import points from Matlab to CST?
下一篇:calculating S11 in CST MWS

