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CST optimise during a parameter sweep

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Using CST 2011:

I'm running a parameter sweep with the result templates to plot a max point of a S21 plot;

However, I would like to optimise ( or adjust another parameter) to get the S21 back to a desired frequency before I log my S21 max point.

My thinking was somehow to run an optimise step after each parameter step, but I can only manage this manually, and this takes a long time for my project.

If anyone has a suggestion how I could automate it better, I'd be grateful.

I've had a play with the user defined result template in the parameter sweep, and tried to add some VBA code to 'Case 2' of the template, but so far I've not managed to invoke a optimisation (I can produce message boxes though, but that isnt much use! ;) ).

thanks for any help,

I managed to figure it out in the end;

I just had to write

With Optimizer
End With

in the case 2 statement of the user defined parameter sweep watch, with my optimiser settings already setup. I've a few niggles to iron out with my post processing, but looks like this should work.


上一篇:CST MWS discrete port on ground plane
下一篇:help in shielding the waveguide port in a coupled microstrip using CST

