• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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Dispersion diagram of microstrip transmission line in CST MWS

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Hi All,
Long time I am trying to get dispersion diagram (alpha/k0 and beta/k0) of microstrip transmission line (MTL) using Eigenmode solver in CST MWS, but I could not find it. Is there any way to get the dispersion diagram from CST Eigenmode solver directly? Specially for half-width MTL or CRLH transmission line. I went through the tutorial of CST and I simulate one CRLH unit cell of a published paper got only the right handed characteristics (phi vs beta). Would you please help me for finding both of them (RH and LH)? Which frequency mode should I use (1 or 2)? I dont have any idea how to plot the alpha/k0 curve. If you know please help me for this as well.

Thank you in advance.


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