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CST Studio ballast PCB Simulation issues

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Hello dear engineers,

I am doing my thesis on Computational Electromagnetics and I wiould like to make a simulation of a fluorescent lamp ballast PCB with CST Studio Suite. I am interested in radiated and conducted emissions, because later the PCB will be tested in an EMC lab to confirm the simulation results.

So far I have imported the PCB in PCB Studio, but I have some issues:

1. There are some active components (Transistors, diodes, discs). I have their SPICE models, but how to import them the the simulation?
2. Can I supply the PCB with 230V 50Hz and measure the disturbances at the power supply? Is it possible with the CST STudio to make measurements like with a LISN?
3. Which module is better to use: Microwave studio or Microstipres? I want to make conductive measurements up to 30 MHz.

I will be thankful if someone can give me some tips about that. Thank you.

You workflow with importing all active & passive devices into the EM simulator is NOT what these tools are designed for. You should contact CST support to discuss your simulation task.

volker_muehlhaus, I think you are right. The system has to be simulated by fragment. Simulating a whole device is hard and problematic. At least so far I haven't acheaved a correct simulation.


上一篇:CST Simulation problem : Not enough longitudinal points for port number 1.
下一篇:How to simulate PIN diode in CST MWS with both OFF and ON states

