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CST Active Element Pattern

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Hi guys,

I am trying to model an array system and considering the active element pattern approch to include the mutual coupling effect. For this I tried two different approches.

1) I ran a small array simulation with all ports setting and then determined the Z matrix using the CST. I took a stand alone element pattern and multiply it with the general array factor. Then I chose a set of weights e.g p=[1 1 1 1] and multiply it with the Z matrix. Then these corrupted weights are multiplied to the whole array factor;

A=stand alone element pattern
p=[1 1 1 1]
Z=Impedence matrix
I=Z*p corrupted with coupling
TF= sum(r=1:4) I_r *A(theta)*AF(theta) where AF=array factor; TF = total array factor

Now using Matlab I got the pattern with all the coupling effects. But when I apply the same weights p=[1 1 1 1] to CST model it gives a difefrent pattern ... What did I miss here?

2) Secondly I am using individual element pattern in the presence of others. so now the coupling effect is on the individual element pattern. Again I use Matlab, determined the pattern;


still the results are not the same as on CST.

Any one has any idea about it?

Thanks in advance

Hi Asim Ali Khan,

Did you solve your problem.

I also am studying about phased array of patch antennas including mutual coupling.

So, if you solved your problem, plz share.

Thank you so much!


上一篇:CST floquet port set up problem
下一篇:Error with Frequency Domain Solver in CST

