• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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Help required for working with CST

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I am working on mode converter..i have two issues as follows:-

1.how to give a TM01 mode to a circular bent waveguide in CST microwave studio..?

2.how to check on the output different modes coming out of circular waveguide in cst. The dominant mode of circular waveguide is TE11.
i want to plot a graph with fractional power of different modes on y-axis Vs. frequency on x-axis. my frequency range is 1-10 GHz.

the above are two issues, i have already designed the structure, but dont know how to give the TM01 input and check the various fractional power.


上一篇:hi all, cst and hfss results are not matching(200 points)
下一篇:Simulation of split ring resonator (SRR) with CST MWS

