• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
首页 > CST > CST使用问答 > reflectarray patch simulation using CST, unit cell, floquet port, phase curve

reflectarray patch simulation using CST, unit cell, floquet port, phase curve

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Dear all,

I am trying to simulate the variable-sized patch in CST, to get the phase-size S curve. I already did this in HFSS, but want to check the results using CST. In HFSS i am using the master/slave BCs for the unit cell and one floquet port above the patch. I want to see the reflection phase at or above the patch.

But in CST, now i am using the following BCs: Xmin, Xmax, Ymin and Ymax as "unit cell", Zmin as "electric (Et=0)" (which is ground), and Zmax as "open (add space)". And i set the distance to reference plane as -13.5 (seems just above the patch). What's the Z value of this reference plane? And i cann't run the simulation using Frequency domain solver. It is said "initialization database failed".

Any hint please? Thanks in advance.

Attached is the CST file:

for ur question
1- the embeded port should be to ground ,i.e.,if ur port at z=20 so reference plane should be -20
u run transient solver not frequency solver as u run time not frequency and that method called waveguide method
if u use floquet mode(unit cell solver) u should running using frequency solver

Thanks abdoeng,

the following are the boundary conditions i am using in CST and also the waveguide port configuration.

Are they right?

The results are also attached. I want phase-size curve, but i dont know how to get this in CST. The W is the width of rect patch. The results are obviously wrong cause the phase only changes from 150 to 160.

thanks man.

Hi panou
last note,choose free normal position at 20,isee ur patch be at -18 from the port,try that
another thing,be sure the W is changed in X direction not in Y direction as i see ur port is X polarized ,ok


上一篇:CST Voltage Monitor Problem
下一篇:CST 2012: Spiral antenna design

