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[HFSS/CST] scanning plane wave excitation to obtain the phase/magnitude information

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Hello Friends!

I am trying to simulate the structure in this paper: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_...=5765478&tag=1

A quick question, I have two monopole antennas (#1 and #2) and use the plane wave as the excitation. I want to sweep the excitation angle (0-360 deg with 1 deg step) to scan the plane wave. I am really confused how can I get the phase and magnitude information on the two monopole outputs? For example, phase1 and mag1 for monople #1, phase2 and mag2 for monopole #2.

The reason i want to use the plane wave excitation is I can easily sweep the scan angle in the simulation. But using plane wave, there is no S parameters on the monopole antennas' outputs (because the excitation is not a port anymore, S parameter is for port to port analysis). I tried many ways:
plane wave + two waveguide ports (on each monopole output) ;
plane wave + two voltage/current ports;
plane wave + two lumped ports.
I can not see the phase/magnitude information using these ways.

Up to now the only way works is that using far field horn/waveguide (with waveguide port excitation #3) as the source and put another two waveguide ports (#1 and #2) onto the monopole antenna bottom surfaces, so this time the S31, S32 can be obtained, which indeed include the phase and magnitude information. But using this way I have to rotate the horn manually each scan angle, so time-consuming....

I already searched this issue on the forum, this question has been ask several times, but no answer up to now. Anyone can give some clue on the simulation: scanning plane wave excitation to see the phase/magnitude information on antenna outputs? Many thanks!

All right, no reply...
FYI, the problem is solved by using the incident plane wave + wave port/lumped port, after simulation use the field calculator to get the voltage on the lumped port. And from the voltage we can calculate the phase and magnitude information.

Glad you solved your own problem. I have a couple of questions for you:

1. how do you calculate the phase and magnitude from the voltage?
2. can I have an array of plane wave excitation with 5mm spacing between them? Would I need to worry about the mutual coupling between them?



上一篇:design butler matrix in CST
下一篇:How to determine/define a waveguide port on curved surface in CST?

