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Designing 8x1 Array in CST Microwave studio

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Hello everyone!

I want to design an 8x1 and then 8x8 rectangular patch array in CST. I am having problems with designing the feed network. Can anyone please help me with it. Refer me some good sources to read. I am not sure about the impedance of the feed lines. Thanks.


To start you can use these files attached to this reply.


can you please email me the files at p050056[at]nu.edu.pk
I dont see any attachments. Have you worked on patch arrays? Thanks.

Hi Hassan_

I checked the attached files. These were true. You can download them easily. Please inform me if you can not download them.


yes.. thanks I got them. I will get back to you after studying them. Thanks.

Hello Hamid,

I designed a 4x1 array just to check if it works. I used FR-4 substrate Er=4.3, H=1.5mm. The gain for single patch that i could get was 3.2 dbi and the directivity was 6dbi. With the array the gain increased to 7dbi and the directivity to 10.8dbi. I m getting a sidelobe level of -14 dbi. Do you think the design is ok? I need suggestion if you could help. What should be the gain for a single patch be, i m working on 3.8GHz.


Hi Hassan_

I don't mean to interrupt but the gain of the single patch can be improved if you used a less lossy material as a substrate compared to FR-4. FR-4 is a high lossy material. If your antenna is meant for long range, than you need a higher gain.

Thanks positron89. i knew that, i was just trying to see the gain. I am using Roggers 5880 now. for the single patch i got gain of about 7.3 and a driectivity of 8.4 dbi. i m working on the array now. i cant seem to get the frequency at 3.8 GHz and i m getting multiple dips below the -10 db mark. which shows its a multiband, but i m not sure if multiband antenna is good or not. I dont know how to justify it.

Dear Hassan_

What is your purpose to design the antenna? desired gain, SLL, pattern, etc?



there is no such requirement. All i have to achieve is a 100 MHz bandwidth. Its my first design so i want it to be a good one. I have seen ppl who got a gain of around 7 db using FR4. i wonder how? Its a task given to me by a professor. I just need to make a good antenna, with good directivity and gain and minimum SLL. Right now, I m working on rogers 5880 and i cant get the resonant frequency. Even though I got it for single patch but its not working for 4x1. can u check my design if i send it to u.


上一篇:Error when doing simulation on CST for 30GHz patch antenna
下一篇:Extract Group delay and Cross Correlation of the UWB antenna in CST

