• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
首页 > CST > CST使用问答 > dispersion diagram for CRLH TL from eigenvalue solver cst

dispersion diagram for CRLH TL from eigenvalue solver cst

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I am trying to plot the dispersion diagram for a CRLH TL unit cell using cst eigenvalue solver. Does anyone knows how to proceed to get the dispersion for both RH and LH TL?.... how do i confirm whether the structure is a CRLH or not?

Thanks in advance

can you solve the problem?

I don't know CST, but the dispersion process should be the same for both RH and LH bands - you just want to solve for at least 2 modes. The structure is CRLH if it has modes with both positive and negative slope.


上一篇:CST capacitor simualtion pls
下一篇:substrate integrated waveguide CST and HFSS

