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CSt simulation with high dielectric constant

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I use CST MWS in order to design and simulate TSA with a substrate of high dielectric constant (Roger duroid RT6010)
Then i don't succeed to find paper result (S11 dB) ("Compact Tapered Slot Antennas for UWB Microwave Imaging Applications ") when i simulated this antenna with CST.
I have the bandwidth but the reflexion coefficient is still over -10dB , but is the paper it is below -15dB.
Is there a special way in order to correctly simulate antenna with high dielectic constant ( mesh , accuracy)?
Thank you


check your feeding mechanism. location,size etc.that should solve your problem to the most part


Thank for the quick reply!
For the feeding mechanism i use a SMA and i am quite sure that i feed the antenna correctly : when i look at the s11 in the time domain, the first reflexion occurs after the sent signal and moreover after the transistion between the sma and the antenna.
I have also try to increase the local mesh properties in the substrate in order to have 5-6 mesh in the thickness of the substrate but the results don't agree.

You dont have the paper, you said.if by any chance you have acess to it or anything similar post it here.will be able to reply asap. because when we say feeding mechanism,we are also talking the position of the feed.because for a better vswr you have to be as close to the 50 ohm point as possible



I have the paper but i don't succeed to find the results of shown on it.
By the way when i look the electric field inn the 2D/3D result folder i can access the port impedance which is 48 ohms.
That's why i think it is a mesh problem and not a excitation one (and then the reflexion signal occurs after the sent one).
Thanks for your help



OK.Well may be you should try setting up the mesh.

Sorry i was not much of ahelp to you but i hope you will succeed in figuring it out.and moreover i don't use CST,so i don't have an exact idea how things work with cst



上一篇:CST-Connecting CPW and microstrip
下一篇:how can I enclose a whole cst structure in pec without getting an error

