• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
首页 > CST > CST使用问答 > Why this simple microstrip line in CST & HFSS has different response?

Why this simple microstrip line in CST & HFSS has different response?

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hi dears.
i have simulated a simple microstrip line model in HFSS & CST ,but i think the cst response is wrong.
could any one check this files and tell me what to do for getting same response in cst and hfss,please?
Thanks in advanced

Perhaps you can post here screen shots of the model and the results.

thanks for your attention,but didn't i?
give me a favor and download the Microstrip Line.rar
thanks again

The results might shift a bit given the way you define the excitations on each simulator and given they use different types of solvers (HFSS uses Finite Element Method and CST uses Finite Integration Technique).
Also, the results will shift depending on the mesh definition (especially in CST if you're not careful)

Sorry if my post is too vague, but I was not able to open the files.

Your cst result doesn't make sense, you made some mistake. There is no forward transmission.

dear johnjoe
i know that too,
but i want to know my mistake.
thanks for your attention

I can't open your cst-file, your version is newer. Post a pic of your model in cst with material parameters, boundary condition, port size and mesh settings. Does you get any errors when you simulate?


上一篇:RFID Tag for 13.56MHz in CST
下一篇:cst dispersion diagram

