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cst metamaterial

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Hello All,

I have been trying to simulate a metamaterial on CST, but each time I enter a negative epsilon it gives an error. Do you have any idea how to define a metamaterial on CST?

Thanks in advance for your help,

Hello Adel,

try to define a new material and under the point "Dispersion" you can enter an user defined dispersion curve for the dielectric dispersion (eps=-1) and for the magnetic dispersion (mu=-1).

I didn't try it - but it maybe work!?



Hello Meta_Frank,

Thanks for your help.

I tried this method, but it always tries to fit eps' using a positive sign, it does not allow eps' to be negative at certain frequencies.

Do you think that there are any other method that can be used ?

best regards,

r u designing metamaterial structure using the CST?
can i use the fidelity or IE3D in Zeland software to design the metamaterial?


Try With Vector Fields CONCERTO, for Metamaterial apllications...


New design tool for metamaterials paves way for cost and size reductions in wireless products
AMULET project opens up powerful ways to decrease BOM and size of antennas, filters, phase shifters...

Oxford, UK, September 4, 2008 - Vector Fields, a part of Cobham plc, has released practical design tools to help RF designers exploit the properties of metamaterials, as part of its work for the AMULET research project. Metamaterials can provide a means to enhance the performance and size of wireless components ? for example, by making antennas multi-functional, and reducing the size and cost of front-end filtering.

AMULET (Advanced Materials for Ubiquitous Leading-edge Electromagnetic Technologies) is researching artificial materials and their application in the design and manufacture of next generation broadband, multifunctional, adaptive and conformal antennas for aerospace systems. AMULET is a three-year £3.4m collaborative R&D project that has received a £1.9m investment from the UK's Technology Strategy Board. Led by Cobham?s ERA Technology, the other consortium partners are the National Physical Laboratory, Queen Mary University of London and Vector Fields.

Vector Fields' role in AMULET is providing antenna developers with enhanced design tools to simulate metamaterial structures. The first phase of this support is currently being released to the market in the new version of the high-frequency electromagnetic design tool, Concerto. One of the key problems addressed by this software is efficient and fast simulation, which is handled by exploiting the periodic nature of passive metamaterial structures to minimise the computations required. The AMULET project will also be exploring the use of active metamaterials, and Vector Fields intends to add modelling support for these in future developments.

Antennas are a major application for metamaterials. A typical example might be to use metamaterials to tailor the effective impedance of a substrate or ground plane, to improve an antenna?s radiation pattern and efficiency. Metamaterial structures could additionally be used to integrate common filtering requirements such as band pass filters into the two-dimensional PCB structure, to reduce the cost and size of a wireless product's electronic bill of materials (BOM). Phase shifting is another function that is easily achieved by metamaterials, providing further design possibilities for wireless equipment. If the metamaterial structure is made active, then even more gains could be made, such as creating an antenna and filtering front end that could operate across multiple frequency bands.

The AMULET Project partners are:

The Technology Strategy Board is an executive body established by the UK Government to drive innovation. It promotes and invests in research, development and the exploitation of science, technology and new ideas for the benefit of business - increasing sustainable economic growth in the UK and improving quality of life (www.innovateuk.org).

ERA Technology works at the leading edge of advanced technology consultancy and design. The business was founded in 1920 and today provides specialist, high value-added, technology-based services including design and development, testing, assessment and expert advice (http://www.era.co.uk). ERA Technology is part of the Cobham Avionics & Surveillance division of Cobham plc, an international company engaged in the development, delivery and support of advanced aerospace and defense systems for land, sea and air (www.cobham.com).

The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is the UK?s National Measurement Institute and is a world-leading center of excellence in developing and applying the most accurate measurement standards, science and technology available to man (www.npl.co.uk).

Queen Mary, University of London is one of the UK's leading research-focused higher education institutions with some 13,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students (www.qmul.ac.uk.

Vector Fields, is a business unit of ERA Technology, and specializes in the development of software tools for electromagnetic, design for industry, universities and research establishments throughout the world. Vector Fields offers a complete range of two dimensional (2D) and three dimensional (3D) electromagnetic design, modeling, analysis and simulation software (www.vectorfields.com).

I have tried this a few years ago in CST. As you said, it doesn't allow any mu/eps with negative real parts. So I switched to HFSS.

HFSS is capable of simulating any combination of eps/mu with any sign and loss. I have compared analytical formulations for different media with HFSS and they were pretty accurate...


上一篇:Help: Importing S-parameters calculated by ADS to CST
下一篇:help simulate EBG structure with periodic boundary in CST

