• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
首页 > CST > CST使用问答 > CST MWS and polarization

CST MWS and polarization

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this may sound to be simple but there is some confusion regarding polarization status of antennne in CST.

1:how to determine that antenna is linearly polarized or circular or elliptical?

2: if its linear then how to determine whether its vertical polarized or horizontally polarized?

3: if its circular or elliptical polarized how to determine whether its left hand or right hand polarized?

4: and finally how to plot the co poloar and cross polar radiation pattern of any antenna in cst

i hope someone will know the answers to these questions.



上一篇:how to design helical using cst
下一篇:export cst layout in dxf format - cylinder

