• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
首页 > CST > CST使用问答 > How to plot co- and cross polar radiation pattern at E and H planes in CST ?

How to plot co- and cross polar radiation pattern at E and H planes in CST ?

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Dear All

i have a project on a IEEE article " Integrated bluetooth and UWB Antenna "

and i have several questions

1. I don't know how to plot the co and cross polar radiation pattern at E and H planes in CST at given frequencies (fig.4)

2. how to plot the gain & directivity vs frequency (fig. 5)

I appreciate your quick reply with detailed steps as I am not so familiar with CST
thanks in advance

You can make both plots with the template based postprocessing. First of all you have to set farfield monitors at the wanted frequencys. You find it unter "Solve" --> "Filed Monitors". Then Choose "Results" --> "template based postprocessing". There you have to choose Farfield results. In the upcoming window you can selevt whatever you need.

thanks for ur effort , could u also tell me how on HFSS

I'm sorry I never worked with HFSS

Hello in hfss(ver 10)
results create reports {█(far field@radiation pattern)┤
then click ok
you first chose soulution (create reports)---(far field-radiation patterns) then click ok, you first choose solution (sweep for all frequency) then
in sweeps tab chose a frequency (one frequency) chose phi=0 or 90 and your primary sweep must be theta
in mag tab choose rE (category tab) and in quantity select rEphi and rEtheta( dB)
if don’t solve your problem up your file


上一篇:Twisted Shielded Pair in MWS CST v.2006
下一篇:query in waveguide excitation in cst microwave studio

