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Problems with macros in CST Design Studio 2009

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Hi everybody, I have problem. I am trying to get x a y values from Mix0D results in CST Design Studio by using macro. I can easily get x values. But I have a problem to get y values. Here is the code

Set res = CreateObject("CSTStudio.DSTable")
res.Load("path to Mix0D.tab")
With objName
iV = .GetVaryingParameter
nData = .GetNumberOfDataItems
k = .GetParameterNameFromIndex(iV)
For iData=0 To nData-1
sarray(iData) = sarray(iData) + CStr(.GetParameterValueOfDataItem(iData,iV))
varray(iData) = CStr(.Get0DDataItem(iData)) 'here is error, "unknown" data type instead of "0D real"
Next iData
End With

Please, can anybody help me?


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