• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
首页 > CST > CST使用问答 > How to to plot the radiation efficiency vs frequency using transient solver of CST?

How to to plot the radiation efficiency vs frequency using transient solver of CST?

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Is there a method to plot the radiation efficeincy vs frequency

using the transient solver of CST microwave studio ?

it exists in the radiation pattern but only vs theta or phi for a single frequency


Transient Solver has nothing to do with your problem ,
Radiation efficiency is the ratio between realized gain and directivity --> Rad_eff = Direc/realized_gain (linear).
CST doesn't have a function to plot it versus frequency since it requires gain and direc for each freq , which are selected manually via the fields monitors.

You can plot it manually , take the results of 10 farfeilds for exp , and do the rest in matlab or excel.

Anyhow there is another function called "delivered power" which plots the Radiation efficiency of the IEEE gain (1- S11^2) counting only the adaptation of your port , not counting the dielectric or conductive losses in the structure.
Go to macros -> results -> Calculate delivered power
If you are working in a lossless environment (PEC) this function should get it done .

Just a small hint , Radiation efficiency is not correlated to theta or phi .

Hope that helps

the second method looks interesting , I will try it

thanks for replying and helping.

Any other suggestions ?


上一篇:set port in cst
下一篇:cst manual

