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vswr cst

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Hi friends :)

I was getting tired to calculate impedance bandwidth in CST MWS using the measure lines in VSWR plot of MWS and a calculator...So I wrote this macro in order to save some time...

It works well for the current project I'm working on...
Feel free to try it out and test it on your antenna projects...
Any comments are welcome :)

Copy the macro to your CST HOME DIR/Macros...
Restart MWS and it will normally appear in Macros -> Results -> Calculate Imp. Bandwidth (VSWR<2).

You must have calculated VSWR before running the macro (from Results -> S-parameter calculations -> Calculate VSWR)...


Hi mogwai!

First of all thanks,
the macro work fine when I simulate without parameter sweep.
However ,when I make par. sweep with |S(1,1)| watch the cst cannot calculate the VSWR.
Is there any way to use the B.W macro after par.sweep ?

Hi mogwai!

First of all thanks,
the macro work fine when I simulate without parameter sweep.
However ,when I make par. sweep with |S(1,1)| watch the cst cannot calculate the VSWR.
Is there any way to use the B.W macro after par.sweep ?


Yes, you can use the "template based post processing"

The templates are also written in VBA and it should be easy to convert the original macro into a template. Have a look at the source code of some template (install path /macros /result templates. The templates have the extension *.rtp.

The difference between the templates and the ?normal? macros is, that you have to add some code in order to allow MWS the correct handling of the templates

Hope this helps,



I wanted to know that how to calculate or measure an antenna's VSWR in CST MWS?



上一篇:simulation Horn by CST
下一篇:SAR Calculations by CST Microwave studio

