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exporting gdsii cst

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anybody show me convert from CST to ADS. Thanks

i need this book :Microstrip Lines and Slotlines (Artech House Antennas and Propagation Library)by K.C. Gupta, Prakash Bhartia, Ramesh Garg, Inder J. Bahl, Ramesh Garg | Artech House Publishers | September 2004 | ISBN-10: 089006766x | PDF | 16.2 Mb | 547 pages

Thanks. mail to vuthanh1232000@yahoo.com

Hi t25,

I think the best way to export CST to ADS it's to convert your structure in DXF with CST and then to import it in ADS. Be careful, CST export only a layout in the z-plane so you will have to do some translations if you have several elements. Try it.

For your book, have you try it to found it on gigapedia.org ?




Do you send me tutorial about layout in CST

Hi t25,

I don't have any tutorials about layout on CST sorry.

What is exactly your problem ?


Hi Pipoo,
Thankyou. I has success. CST-> DXF then import DXF -> Orcad. That is good. However, I don't know why link between ADS va Orcad. it is eror. ADS save .Dsn. . dsn is exported to semachetic to fabrition.?

Hi t25,

sorry I don't use Orcad, I can't help you.



Hi piboo
You Know ADS. Because, I ask you a question
I know convert from lumped to microstripline. Example C=10 PF can convert to Microstripline or L=2 nH can covert to microstripline ( Mlin). I don't know fomular to convert it (ADS). if You know, You can given solution for me.


I want to import a layout drawn by PROTEL in CST.

What should I do?

guys the best way to do it. is to export it to GDSII
then you can import it to cst. and from CST to Ads or elsewhere
make face from the layer export it to GDSII and import it in Ads.(read about it in the help)



上一篇:human head model for CST microwave studio
下一篇:cst optical frequency

