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Re: CST MWS vba script parameter sweep ASCII export

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Hi everybody

I have a little problem with the CST VB.

I design a model in CST MWS. Know

I want to performe a Parameter-Sweep.

I choose a userdefined output.

Cause I want to analyze some data in matlab,

I want, what CST save for expample the energy in a ascii file.

A new file for every run of the sweep.

But this is not working.

Do you have a idea?

The code:
Option Explicit

Sub ParameterSweepWatch(action As Integer)

   'Please define actions for the parameter sweep watch here.

   Select Case action
      Case 0
      'Please define actions before the parametersweep starts.

      Case 1
      'Please define actions after each calculation.
       Dim zaehler       As Integer
       Dim Dateiname    As String
        Dim filename        As String
         Dim Fileendung    As String
         Dim strwert         As String
       Dim wertdouble     As Double

        wertdouble= ParameterSweep.GetValueOfVaryingParameter()

      strwert    = CStr(wertdouble)
      filename     = "I:\simulation-Output\File-"
      Fileendung    = ".txt"
      Dateiname    =

      SelectTreeItem ("1D Results\Energy\Energy [5]")

      With ASCIIExport


       .FileName (Dateiname)

       .Mode ("FixedNumber")

      End With

      Case 2
      'Please define actions after the parametersweep has finished.

   End Select

End Sub

Sub Main()

  ParameterSweepWatch 0
  ParameterSweepWatch 1
  ParameterSweepWatch 2

End Sub
Thanking for your in anticipation.

I found the answer.

It was to easy!

' userdefined watch for parameter sweep
Option Explicit

Sub ParameterSweepWatch(action As Integer)
'Please define actions for the parameter sweep watch here.

Select Case action	Case 0	'Please define actions before the parametersweep starts.
	Case 1	'Please define actions after each calculation.	 Dim zaehler 		As Integer	 Dim Dateiname 		As String
 		 Dim filename  		As String
  		 Dim Fileendung 	As String
  		 Dim strwert   		As String	 Dim wertdouble     As Double
     wertdouble		= ParameterSweep.GetValueOfVaryingParameter(0)     Parametername 	= ParameterSweep.GetNameOfVaryingParameter(0)
	strwert 	= CStr(wertdouble)	filename  	= "I:\simulation-Output\File-"	Fileendung 	= ".txt"	Dateiname 	=filename & Parametername & strwert & Fileendung
	SelectTreeItem ("1D Results\Energy\Energy [5]")
	With ASCIIExport


    	.FileName (Dateiname)

    	.Mode ("FixedNumber")

	End With
	Case 2	'Please define actions after the parametersweep has finished.
End Select

End Sub

Sub Main()

  ParameterSweepWatch 0
  ParameterSweepWatch 1
  ParameterSweepWatch 2

End Sub

what is your problem?
you can get your results directly from file-export-ascii format
may that i understand from your question,if not forgive me for misunderstand


上一篇:Problem with using Frequency Domain Solver in CST
下一篇:CST MWS: Parameter Sweep : 2 Parameters in one Sequence

