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Comparing multiple graphs in CST-MWS

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Hi all,
I have two simulations in CST-MWS and I want to compare the S11 on the same graph but they reside in different project directories. How can I import the other soultion to the current project and view the results on the same scale ?

PS : I have done with Matlab but MWS display is cleaner and I want to use that.

Thanks for your time.


Do you have the license to have two instances of MWS open at once? If so, just add a new folder in the tree menu, right click add new folder. Then use good old copy and paste.



you do not even need two instances of MWS. The graph is stored in the Windows clip board.

Select the graph you would like to copy in the naviagtion tree -> right mouse click -> copy

Open second project -> righ mouse click in the naviagtion tree 1D Results -> New Tree Folder

-> Right mouse cklick on the new Folder -> paste
-> Select send graph -> right mouse click -> copy
-> right mouse click -> paste


You can use the macro "Compare Multiple Runs" from menu Macro -> Wizards...

Put your project-folders to another folder and the wizard will identify *.mod files in all subdirectories... You can use it for comparing more than 2 projects :)

This macro comes in very handy ;)


上一篇:drawing meander line helix in CST
下一篇:How to showing farfield of 2 or more antennas in CST MWS?

