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首页 > CST > CST使用问答 > How can I make a wave guide with cos^4 pattern in CST?

How can I make a wave guide with cos^4 pattern in CST?

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hi all,i so weird that cst not support point sources as we could simulate large arrays(100*100),could cst have that?
also how can i make wave guide with cos^4 pattern in cst?,in other word could i control the feed of waveguide if i use waveguide antenna and waveguide port?
i listen to u

HI dear abdo,
Long time no see!

If I got the point right, you want to simulate large arrays. In HFSS you can use master-slave boundary conditions in order to simulate large arrays(in fact an array of infinite elements) but in CST, I don't know whether you can set any boundary conditions like that or not?
And about the feed, I'll surf some papers and see what can I find out.

In order to define a feed in CST,
I saw a post from "Pushhead "

Use the "Tabulated Excitation" macro. For that you'll need a file containing a 2-column signal (time and amplitude vectors).
Then you re-scale the time base and amplitude in the macro dialog box.

Thanks to the original sender.

akhy masuad,could pls any more detail about point sources in hfss
could we chat by messanger
i wait u

Dear abdo,
I know how to define periodic(master-slave) boundary in order to simulate an infinite elements in HFSS but unfortunately I'm not familiar with point sources.
and I'll be glad to help you.


上一篇:How to calculate RFID antenna gain using CST MWS?
下一篇:calculation of input impedance in CST

