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how to define ports for striplines in CST

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I searched in previous forum topics and noticed that there were some discussions about this problem but no one explains completely the solution.

I managed to simulate non-homogeneous offset stripline structures in CST but with Discrete ports only. I tried to define Waveguide ports but the results are not reasonable.

My structure looks like following:

Er1=3.54; h=0.101mm
----------------- stripline (0.11mm width as 50Ohm for 11.725GHz)
Er2=3.48; h=0.762mm

Length of the stripline can be lambda/4 and 2 ports are defined at the edges of the structure.

Does anyone have experience in defining waveguide ports in CST for such structures?

Would be appreciated any reply.

As my knowledge...!
Pick the face that u want to define port!
Choose the waveguide port, use free option, and manual define size for it.
Note, the port size should be 3-5 times the stripline and 2-3 times the thickness of substrate.

thank you for your reply. Indeed I was simulating as you suggested. The results I get differ from results obtained using Momentum for the same structure. Anyway, please find attached my project for analysis.


I could not open ur shtructure!
Please attach again, u should zip all the structure file after close the opening file!

the feeding is a voltage gap.
first locate the feed location.
then chose the point on the bottom face of the strip and the corresponding point on the top face of the GND.
once the 2 point are chosen click the DESCRETE PORT. Make sure that the points chosen are defining a voltage gap PERPENDICULAR to the two planes
let me know if it works for u


上一篇:CST_ Post processing template
下一篇:How to design dual band microstrip patch antenna in CST Suite 2016?

