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cst 2d simulation

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we all know CST can perform 3D full-wave simulation
But, if the question is 2D only, how to solve this kind of question only in 2D?
example: infinite cylinder scattering
how to setup a simple 2D model in CST ?
is there anybody know?

I think, that MWS can′t solve problems in 2D.

Lets assume that the extents of your structure in z-direction are infinite. To model this structure in MWS, you can apply the following trick. Draw your structure and use a certain height, say h, for the z-direction. And then apply periodic boundary conditions for the z-axis. You have to use plane wave as your excitation source. I have checked this method for 2D photonic crystals. And the results are almost the same as a fully 2D FDTD calculation.

would you please send me your CST model file irfan1,
THanks for your kindly help!
my email address is cherrysnowland@yahoo.com.cn

if view result can in 2D Farfield view..
if calculate 2D maybe you must use ADS momentum or Ansoft Designer EM..

Right,designer can do this

hi, another problem for irfan1:
in CST,I set up the model just as you said,but how to distinguish the TE and TM mode?
dose the TE or TM mode only related to the excitation of the input port?

how about using cst co.'s MAFIA,and it can be used in 2D condition


上一篇:CST simulation queue? - simulate several projects
下一篇:sma connector in cst microwave studio and its designing

