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cst mesh slotline

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I want to LOCALLY increase mesh density of part of my structure. Does anybody know how to set up? Also, does anyone have any experience in simulating a simple slotline? Is there any empirical port size for slotline line? Thx !

Hi whtu,

to increase the mesh density on your structure, right click mouse button on the object in the object tree on your right choose mesh property. You can refine your mesh of a particular object there. You can also use dummy object (e.g. a vaccum) if no object exsit in the region where you want to refine the mesh.

Hope this help.


For the slotline port you should compute more modes and select the right one. Some of computer modes will be unphysical or TM etc..
Slotline mode have will be QTEM with electric field inside the slot, between the metalization.



Hi Element7k,

would you explain more details how to increase mesh density? ( using dummy object). if the structure has a strong couple among 4 parallel thin cylindrical wires, what can i do?
Also, is it possible to control the density point?

Thanks & Regards,

Hi yuen,

I think in this v5 will be able to solve your problem more efficiently. More mesh should be placed around the wires and if it allows, if there are dielectric involved, try to shift them closer by a factor of 1/sqrt(epsr) (I am unsure of the distance so if this is wrong someone pls correct).

With regards to the dummy object, say for example you have 2 parallel wires and you want to increase the mesh between them, CST does not allow you to do that as you can only increase the mesh density of a certain object. (i.e. wires) You can use extend but sometimes this generates unnecessary mesh cells, so the more efficient way is to draw a vacuum and right click to change its mesh properties.

Hope this helps.


open the mesh set up window,select specials.. button,from the "refinement" tab,increase the number of "refine pec edges by factor".It will be helpful to increase accuracy.


上一篇:CST discrete port for Strip lines?
下一篇:CST: strip line between

