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首页 > CST > CST使用问答 > antenna with CPWG with using cst mws

antenna with CPWG with using cst mws

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I am beginner at designing antennas and I have problem with impedance. I have coplanar waveguide in CST MWS, with width 1.275mm, gap 0.3, thickness of substrate 0.762 RO4350B, it giving me 50 ohms impedance.. and if I want to put into this waveguide nail antenna (17mm x 1.2 mm), must I match impedance right? But, I don't know, how to match it. Can you help me please? I am not sure, how can I find out impedance of nail antenna..

Thank you for every comment.


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下一篇:Antipodal vivaldi ultrawideband antenna design using CST

