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cst horn

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I am just trying to learn CST MWS 2006. I have modelled a horn antenna which is already realised. The antenna resonates at 15GHz.

I have assigned a waveguideport to the antenna. But I am finding almost entire signal being reflected. I request you to kindly try to locate the problem. I feel I have not assigned the port properly


I solved the strcture without any changes with 2006 and 2006B. Works just fine -... RL < -25 dB.



I have tried to repeat the simulation. But I am not able to get the RL of what is mentioned. I have attached the images of the S11 and port signals and also the transient solver settings.

Kindly let me know if I have done correctly


You upload the SAT file of this structure...

Are you simulating between two non-zero frequencies?
try to put the lower frequency 0Hz and keep the upper one

Since someone else got right results, it could mean that
it's how your pc processes the mathematics (memory issues,
type of processor, etc.). Maybe my advice does not help,
but if you have nothing else to do, try this.


上一篇:CST Mafia particle-in cell code
下一篇:ADS optimization and CST discrete ports

