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Simulating a rectangular wave guide using CST Microwave studio

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I am implementing a simple rectangular wave guide on CST Microwave studio to operate on the X-band .
Does anyone have idea which type of port I have to use as I am using wave guide port and it doesn't work ?
and how can I choose the mode?
Thanks in advance

just select the face and set it into waveguide port.
you don't need to set the mode
just set the harmonic order

I have already made this but it doesn't work correctly

maybe you can upload your design and let someone in this forum to check.
I can do so after new year holiday.

here is a picture of the design it is of dimensions 2.286 x 1.16 x 3.97 cm and copper thickness 0.1 cm
Thanks in advance

I did just once some year ago you can use waveguide template.

I don't remember how i did that but i attached the pdf which helped me

Can you attach this Pdf again as I can't see it ? or put the link please
Thanks in advance

sorry i forget to attached it in my previous post

Thank you so much


上一篇:cst microwave studio matlab
下一篇:cst terminated abnormally

